Mixed Media





mixed media
16"h x 15"w

artist collection

©All images copyright of Corina S. Alvarezdelugo, the artist. Any use, reproduction or publication, including, but not limited to internet or other digital or print use of any image contained herein is a violation of copyright law and is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved

Ever since I remember there where palm trees in the environment that surrounded me. They represent a significant memory from my life in Venezuela so they are shown in this piece far away in the distance.

You can see the yellows and oranges of the Venezuelan tropical sun, and the black and the grays represent the dark cloud of a destructive and hateful government that shrouds the beauty of my country.

Layers build us as human beings, different to anyone else. Family ties, memories left behind and the love for family, friends and that of a country, that will no longer be mine…